Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sold FSAGX - Gold Mining Mutual Fund Today. I Think Gold is Almost DONE!

Why wait for the crash out of gold?   In the 80s the price declines were much more violent than the uptrend.    Bulls and Bears will argue whether gold is priceless or worthless?    I think the bears will be gaining traction on the case that gold is worthless shortly. 

Case for Bears:
*What can you do with GOLD?
*Gold has already had a great fun.   How much further can it rally.
*What will happen when people start selling gold - ETFs, Gold Mining Stocks.....
*It could get really ugly real fast when the selling starts.
*VIX keeps decreasing.     Time passing seems to be against the Gold Bugs.
*Deflation is a larger problem for the near future than inflation
*The correlation of Gold as an inflation hedge does not seem to be credible anymore
*Fear is decreasing as evidenced by drop in VIX
*What will happen if there becomes a stampede out of Gold.   After all this is a commodity without any real practical use.  
*EURO is on its way again to be considered a Reserve Currency again.

Case for Bulls:
*Inflation hedge
*Indian wedding season starts in May
*Gold always retains value
*What has more value a nation IOU like the Dollar or GOLD?
*Developing nations keep devaluing their currencies by continued money printing.

Let me know your thoughts?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Monday July 26th Trading Will Likely Start with Some Selling

Given analysts will have had some time to review the European Stress Tests and start descovering some holes in the test.    We will see?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sold 100 Shares of CLNE and Bought 2 Calls -CLNE 110122 C15

This should produce twice the upside with half the downside risk.   Again here I am raising about $2000.00 by doing both of these transactions.   I still think the summer duldrums will continue from 9400 to 10400 or maybe slightly higher.     Mostly I think tomorrow will be a down day given the announcement of the EURO Bank Stress Tests.    Bears and sceptics will beat up whatever the results are.       Time will tell if I am right?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Waiting for DOW 9400-9700 To Start Buying

I think earnings reports can no longer be expected to just be better than expected any longer.    Analysts are catching up to the market.   So, I will start purchasing again at DOW 9800 and try to make sure I have enough cash to keep buying through 9400.    Then the BULL DANCERS better be out there again.   

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cramer Thinks We Are Out of the Summer Duldrums?

Are the Macro Issues behind us now.   Cramers thinks we are in bull market mode again and this should represent the lows for the year.    Completed items:
  1. fine print on fin reg
  2. Spanish bank stabilization
  3. oil spill resolution
  4. confirmation of china's soft landing
  5. european stabilization
Uncompleted items:
  1. lower unemployment
So, what is the verdict.   I think this is a possibility however there still seems to be a lot of work to be done in Europe.    There could easily be another Euro bomb like a failed bank that will start the Bear Press up again.   Let me know your thoughts. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

DOW 10400 - Market High for Summer Duldrums - Time to GET SELLING!

I sold some ED and am searching for anything else so sell.    I will be looking to scale into buying after earnings season is done and the Market Noise starts stepping up.   

Friday, July 9, 2010

Traders Market - Summer Duldrums Continue - Buy at DOW 9400 - Sell at DOW 10400

I will continue to be operate like a trader during this uncertain summer till September.    I believe that the bulls and bears continue to be locked into a match that will not get resolved this summer.   Additionally, given the volatility within the markets, I believe cash should be raised to 5%-10% at DOW 9400 and 20%-30% at DOW 10400.   Additionally, I am seriously considering re-allocations from actual stocks into purchasing call options.   This strategy should be especially good at controlling risk and profiting from the market volatility.   In my case this involves high beta stocks like CLNE, AAPL, ADSK, etc.   If I do not need to change this strategy one should be able to make some money using this trading range.       

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I have a passion for investing and surfing.

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