Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time To Start Taking a Second Look at Hot Cyclicals

The time to plan is now, and hopefully the time to buy if we cycle like last year would be mid summer.

Homebuilders - KBH, TOL

Casinos - LVS

Construction Related - IR, MASCO

Any others?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bought 200 Shares of KFN

I may be a little early to be wading in and buying but you never know.    Happy stock hunting season is starting.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bought 50 Shares of NUE

This market is starting to come in some.    I am starting to nibble on stocks.     Stocks I continue to watch include:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Is Europe's Lehman Bros, Greece?

Why would Germany etc. keep subsidizing retirements years before German Retirements and just overall excessive public spending indefinitely?    At some point there is a moral hazard argument otherwise Spain and Italy will just assume there is more EUROS out there.     How much longer will this assumption that Germany will just keep spending go on for?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sold 103 shares of LOW today.

Analyist upgrade and the stock went down anyways.    LOW might be a little ahead of itself. 

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I have a passion for investing and surfing.

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